Summary: | The paper presents a method to seamlessly integrate various stages related to corroding pipeline integrity assessment into a single assessment tool. The proposed approach covers deterministic and reliability-based assessment to evaluate the remaining allowable pipe pressure of steel pipelines over time subjects to internal and external corrosion. The deterministic assessment method is preferred by pipeline operator due to its simplicity, yet the accuracy is still arguable as assumptions need to be done to enable the justiflcation of the result While reliability assessment requires systematic data sampling and matching method to give more accurate result especially in estimating the corrosion growth rate. The combination of data sampling, data matching, pipeline structure assessment and integrity prediction both in the form of deterministic and reliability-based methodology has great potential to be developed as a powerful assessment tool/ software. This assessment software covers broad range of options including selection of assessment codes, corrosion models, data sampling techniques, assessment methods, just to mention a few. By integrating various stages in pipeline assessment procedure into a systematic package, it can greatly assist pipeline operator to protect the public, financial investment and environment from such devastating effects owing to pipeline failures and to optimise the inspection and maintenance activities on corroding pipelines.