Summary: | The phrase “tacit knowledge” has been widely used in the knowledge management and organization studies areas. There are many definitions and approaches that have been used in explaining and examining tacit knowledge. This paper intends to further elaborate the nature and attributes of tacit knowledge by comparing the works done by distinguish authors on tacit knowledge. The study found that basically there are two issues concerning tacit knowledge. First, whether tacit knowledge is individually-owned or is it collectively-owned and secondly can tacit knowledge becomes explicit. Many authors seem to agree on the definition of tacit knowledge, but in conflicting views of the scope of tacit knowledge. However, three basic attributes of tacit knowledge has some agreement between the authors. The three attributes are tacit knowledge is experientially acquired, difficult to articulate and plays an important role in the attainment of goal of an individual. Tacit knowledge is potentially the most valuable asset in an organization, if it can be elicited and used efficiently and effectively in an organization. The findings for this study are the nature and attributes of tacit knowledge, categorization of tacit knowledge, and a conceptualization framework of tacit knowledge.