Summary: | This is a survey form of research to identify the relationship between the effectiveness of the customer service training and customers satisfaction in University Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor. The aim of this research is to explore on the relationship between training effectiveness and the customer satisfaction. The were two set of questionnaires used for this research. The first set of questionnaires for this research were designed and analyzed in application of SERVQUAL instrument where five distinct dimensions; namely, tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy were measured. The data obtained from 310 respondents from six selected faculties, ranging from undergraduates in their degree program from year one to final year of their studies. The second set of questionnaire was designed in order to identify the effectiveness of the customer service training that they have attended. The data was collected from 70 respondents ranging from administrative staffs from faculty and department of UTM, Skudai, Johor. All these data were measured in application of a five point scale where it was descriptively analyzed by finding the percentage and other statistical methods such as frequency distribution, T-test, ANOVA and Correlation. The research finding indicates that out of seven null hypothesis four hypothesis was rejected and three null hypothesis was accepted. Ho1,Ho2 and Ho3 was rejected and it indicates that there is a significance different of effectiveness of the customer service training according to gender, age and years of service of officers. Ho6 was rejected and it indicated that there is significant difference of customer satisfaction according to the students year of studies. Ho4 and Ho5 is accepted, it indicates that there are no significant difference of customer satisfaction according to students gender and age group. Ho7 is also accepted ( p= 0.097 > a 0.05) and it indicates that there are no relationship between training effectiveness and the customers satisfaction