Summary: | OFDM is an attractive technique for high data rate and reliable communication over fading channels and high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) is a notable drawback of orthogonal frequency-division mu ltiplexing (OFDM) systems. The main implementation drawback of this system is the possibility of high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR). The idea in Selective Mapping (SLM) consists of converting the original data lock into several independent signals, and then transmitting the signal that ha s the lowest PAPR. The selected signal index, called side info rmation index, must also be transmitted to allow for the recovery of the data block at the receiver side, which leads to a reduction in data rate. In this paper, we develop a novel SLM PAPR reduction technique. In the novel proposed scheme, the alternative symbol sequences are generated by module 2 additions of data with the rows of cyclic Hadamard matrix with the same size, inserting the selected row’s number to avoi d transmitting any side information and specially using a random-like Irregular Repeat Accumulate (IRA) encoder for both PAPR and Bit Error Rate (BER) better performance. Therefore our proposed scheme in this paper is based on a nove l SLM method combined with a random-like coding of the transmitted data that have no need to use side information for detecting transmitted data in the receiver.