Summary: | Mihrab represents an important architectural element of a mosque space and layout characteristics that signifies the uniqueness of Islamic art and symbolism. The shape and form of mihrab may be constructed using conventional or extraordinary materials; to function as a directional guidance toward Ka'aba for Muslims performing prayers and where the imam (prayer leader) leads in a congregated prayer. In this study, we hypothesized that the shape and form of mihrab might affect the sound energy produced by imam's voice as it is reflected back to the makmum (congregation) at the main prayer hall. Therefore the objective of this paper is to verify this hypothesis in relation with the acoustical performance using computer modeling and acoustic simulation. Two types of mosques' architectural roof styles, namely pyramidal and dome styles have been identified in this study. As each mosques' roof style consist of three existing mosques, a total of four mihrab prototype models have been manipulated for each simulated mosque's. Next, further verification on these prototype models were done to identify the acoustical performance i.e. reverberation time (RT), sound pressure level distribution (SPL) and speech transmission index (STI). Simulated results reveal that the mihrab forms have little significance on the performance of speech intelligibility. This paper presented a fundamental data to assist with future refinements.