Summary: | Directory is defined as a board in an organization or large store listing names and locations of departments, individuals and others. Directory is important as guidance to people because it provides information about the mall such as list of shops and locations of the shops. Some of the directory boards are difficult to find, especially in the big shopping mall. Generic Shopping Mall Directory Mobile Application (GSMD) with the web-based support system is proposed to make the searching of information of a mall much easier. This application acts as a guide for users in the mall to get the accurate information all the time whenever and wherever they want. This system is supported by the online database server which can be manipulated by the administrator of the shopping mall. The function of this application is to let users know the latest events and promotions that took place at the mall besides providing them a guide at the mall. The methodology used in this project is prototyping model. The main developing languages for this project are Java and PHP programming languages. A usability testing has been conducted at the AEON Taman University to identify the efficiency of GSMD in providing the mall information to users and determine the user’s satisfaction on the product. Based on the testing result, GSMD has increased the efficiency in finding the shop in a mall. The users’ feedback that GSMD is useful and convenient as it helps them to find the information that they want in the shortest time. As a conclusion, GSMD can be used as guidance for users in the mall to get the accurate information all the time.