Summary: | A registered document of a land title is the end product of alienation envisaged as an evidence of land ownership. The document of a land title can be registered either as a Registry or a Land Office title based on a criteria governed in the National Land Code or any other previously written law. Registry title is registered by the Registrar at the Registry of Titles/Director of Land and Mine Office which is located in each State and a Land Office title is registered by the Land Administrator at the District/Sub District Land Office. The proprietors throughout a district, being registered under Registry title, deal with the Registry Of Titles/Director of Land and Mine Office for transactions of dealings and non dealings. The proprietors from a specific district being registered Land Office title deal with Land Office of the district/sub district for transactions of dealings and nondealings. This activity has existed before our country gained independence through previous written law. Government Delivety System is a slogan announced by our present leaders to ensure smooth and efficient services by government agencies to the public. The aim of decentralization of Registry titles is to place all matters pertaining to registration of titles, dealings and non dealings in the Land Office based on the location of Registry title. The proprietors throughout the district being registered Registry title will probably not deal with the Registry Of Titles/Director of Land and Mine Office but will probably deal directly with the Land Office based on the location of the Registry title. Twelve samples of land processes involving Registry title were selected fiom the core business managed by the staff of Johore Land Administration Department. Land processes need land search from Registry Title. This research aims to measure the time taken to get land search conducted by the staff. From the findings, 58.5 % of the respondents spent more than 3 days to search for the Registry Title as compared to 7.6 % of the respondents in searching for the Land Office Title. Thus, decentralization of the Registry Title needs to encounter by delegation of power from the State Authority conferred under Section 13 National Land Code 1965.