Summary: | Seakeeping analysis is important in assessing the performance of floating structure in
waves. To perform Seakeeping calculations, the wave characteristics as well as the
response of the vessel are needed. The analysis normally requires reliable computer
programs to calculate response amplitude operator (RAO) and accurate seaway
representation. For seaway representation, theoretical spectra can be used but it is more
preferable to use the measured spectra which can be obtained through full scale
measurement. On the other hand theoretical spectra can be used for comparison.
This paper presents the results of a full-scale measurement of wave and vessel motions
taken from a Malaysian fishing vessel. The vessel operates off the East Coast of
Peninsular Malaysia. Wave buoy was used to measure wave data and Vessel Motion
Monitoring System (VMMS) was used to measure the vessel motions. They are basically
composed of a set of accelerometers gyroscopes and wind sensors. The data processing
and analyzing is done using LabVIEW software. Finally, the main analysis of the results
obtained is in the form of spectral analysis of wave and vessel motions. From them the
RAO can be obtained, which is the key to all Seakeeping analysis.
Keywords: Seakeeping, response amplitude operator (RAO), full-scale measurement,
wave spectra