Summary: | Sistem Pengurusan Aduan dan Cadangan (SPACO) is complaint and suggestion management system for handling complaint in UIN SUSKA Riau. Main objective of this project is developing SPACO. And other objectives are developing complaint policy, procedure and framework for UIN SUSKA. The information for literature review got from some book, journals, article and interview with the user. Waterfall model has been chose for system development methodology. Analyzes and design have been developed to support in building system. Type of analyzes such as analysis for activities to make complaint, receive complaint, complaint processing and complaint reaction. Design model data for As-Is system and To-Be system by using UML. The implementation systems have been developed in using ASP programming language. And testing has been provided such as black box testing, white box testing, integration testing, system testing and user acceptance testing. However, suggestion for organization strategy is developing the complaint centre in UIN SUSKA Riau. After all, hopefully SPACO can improve the UIN SUSKA Riau to serve their customers like students, lectures and staffs better.