Summary: | Hysteresis is one of the nature for soil water characteristic curve that was ignored in the most routine during laboratory test. The soil hydraulic parameters were next estimated by using data from both the infiltration and redistribution phases for cases in which hysteresis was considered but restricted to the simplifying assumption. The paper reports on an evaluation of hysteresis suction of filter paper method. Matric suction was proven as a parameter in this study for soil mechanics for unsaturated soil. The hysteresis curve and relationship result are also discussed. The filter paper method duration was 20 days for drying and wetting path. Soil matric suction range from 768.45 kPa to 42,714.37 kPa and with higher moisture content from drying curve 32.43 percent and fro wetting curve starting moisture content 8.94 percent, filter paper method can be used to determine hysteresis for unsaturated soil, especially laterite soil.