Summary: | In current modernization, transportation is an important element in development of an area. In creating exciting and rapidly growing trend towards creating vibrant, sustainable communities, the term of Transit Oriented Development has been made. TOD has made the utilization of land and the integration of the transportation on high level. It is to ensure the compact, walkable, pedestrian - oriented, mixed-use communities based on high-quality train systems. This research is conducted to find out the TOD criteria in selected potential location area by using specific research method. Then researcher aim to analyse the suitability of the selected research location under Transit Planning Zone supervised under DBKL using based on the influence of 3D’s (Diversity, Density and Design. There are problem in identifying the TOD criteria to measure and standardizing the TOD successfulness. Researcher use the several research methodology techniques in order to obtain data and data processing. The data is analyzed by using GIS mapping technique in analyzing the land use mix diversity characteristics, population density and walkability. Finally, this research aimed to propose future TOD improvement in Bandar Tasek Selatan station and KL Sentral station. Researcher has chosen the research area in Kuala Lumpur Sentral and Bandar Tasek Selatan Station as both stations is under the Kuala Lumpur 2020 Structure Plan that need both location is TOD friendly. TOD help human daily life running smoothly and effectively through the effective integration and cooperation from land use and transport planning. TOD mix together the land use element like, commercial area, resident area, and public structure to have well connection with the logistics. In this research, researcher has already identified the standard and criteria of TOD concept in both research area and determine its suitability. There are no specific guidelines in Kuala Lumpur as the application of TOD concept is still new in here. The present TOD index in KL Central Station and Bandar Tasek Selatan Station will be evaluated and measured in this study. The analysis result shows that Bandar Tasek Selatan achieve three criteria from five TOD criteria and KL Sentral only achieve two criteria from five TOD criteria. This research also necessary to determine which current locations fulfill the TOD concept.