Summary: | A preliminary study of the indirect cathodic stripping
voltammetric determination of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole
(MBT) based on accumulation of its mercury, copper(1)
and nickel(I1) salts or complexes was made as part of a
wider study comparing these three related techniques of
determining thiols. Detection limits for MBT using the
copper@) and nickel(I1) methods ( c 2 X
considerably lower than that for the mercury method
(about 3 x lo-' moll-1). The mercury method is
susceptible to interference from copper(I1) and large
amounts of nickel(@, and seems generally to be less
reliable for the determination of MBT. The change from
accumulation as the mercury salt to accumulation as the
copper(1) salt is illustrated in the presence of excess of
MBT over copper(@ with increasing copper(I1)
concentrations, and with change of accumulation potential
to more negative values from +lo0 mV. In the presence of
a stoichiometric amount or excess of copper(I1) over MBT,
no mercury salt is accumulated at potentials more
negative than +50 mV. Currents obtained for MBT with
the nickel(I1) method are much higher than those obtained
previously with cysteine and penicillamine.