Summary: | Violence-induced segregated urban environments (VISUE) are quite unique urban centres for their characteristic of neighbourhood sharing among residents before the resultant parting triggered by violence. Yet, not much is known about the neighbourhood satisfaction of inhabitants in this type of urban setting. Such knowledge can provide hints on the factors to be prioritized in planning for improvement of neighbourhood satisfaction of residents in these cities. This paper thus examines the key predictors of neighbourhood satisfaction in a VI-SUE. Household heads (n = 289), cutting across the three identifiable types of neighbourhoods in Jos, Nigeria, expressed their level of satisfaction on a 71-item self-administered structured survey instrument. The principal component analysis with varimax rotation option explored 10 factors to represent the examined attributes of the neighbourhood environment. The third (final) in the sequence of hierarchical regression models estimated, indicates that none of the socio-economic and demographic attributes and dwelling attributes is significant in pre-dicting neighbourhood satisfaction in VISUE. Three factors: neighbourhood safety and stability, social relationships, and neighbourhood facilities and services, emerge as the key predictors of neighbourhood satisfaction. On the basis of these findings, these three attributes are required to be given precedence in any policy action aiming to improve residents’ satisfaction with their neighbourhoods in VI-SUE.