Summary: | The quality of graduates is one of the standards of measurement in meeting the demands of employers. However, the extent of our graduates’ employability to fulfil industrial demands does not rely solely on their theoretical skills, but their technical skills as well. Moreover, how the lessons were delivered by lecturers in universities may contribute to the quality of our graduates. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the need for industrial experience amongst lecturers in teaching and learning. As well as determining the best approach that will assist fellow academicians in the quality of their teaching. A total of 30 out of 121 UTMSPACE lecturers participated as respondents in this study. Data were collected from the questionnaires which were disseminated to lecturers from Centre for Diploma Studies (PPD) and Centre for Degree and Foundation (PPI) in UTMSPACE. Based on the analysis, three (3) categories were determined as required for the first objective, that is; the need for industrial experience amongst lecturers in teaching and learning. While the second objective is to determine the best approach that can assist our lecturers in improving the quality of their teachings. The result shows for the first objective, with the highest average mean score, Program Learning Outcome is the main criteria, which requires lecturers with industrial experience in their teaching and learning. While objective two, majority of respondents (lecturers) prefer to collaborate with industries as the best approach in improving the quality of their teaching and learning in order to produce graduates that are able to meet the need of their potential employers. In conclusion, even though only 24.77% participated in this study, they have provide sufficient data; an indicator on the need of industrial experience in teaching and learning, as well as determining the best approach that may assist lecturers in UTMSPACE on improving the quality of their teachings. The result of this study may be use in devising improvements according to the lecturer’s needs and wants.