Summary: | This study proposed that Battese and Coelli (1995)[2] inefficiency model be applied as a framework in exploring the determinants of factors causing profit efficiency differential on banking industry in Bangladesh.Using stochastic frontier technique we examined the changes in the profit efficiency in accordance with Nationalized Commercial Banks, Islamic Banks, Foreign Banks and Private Banks and significant variations of efficiencies of banks for the period 2000 to 2007.The results showed that the profit inefficiency declined over the reference period and Translog Production Function is more preferable than Cobb-Douglas Production Function.Nationalized Commercial Banks are significantly inefficient and on the contrary ISBs, FBs, and PBs are efficient in producing profit and noteworthy.Year wise average efficiencies of banks from the profit efficiency model is 0.664 while group wise average profit efficiency is 0.639. Dhaka Bank is highly efficient with score 0.89 and AB Bank is lowest efficient with score 0.35.