Summary: | The rapid emergence of powerful and innovative
technologies in information technology
are making management of technology a critical task in virtually all organizations and is attracting the attention of
practitioners and scholars.Several universities offer a wide range of graduate as well as undergraduate programs in MOT. These programs have originated from various academic schools and disciplines (business,
engineering, public policy, etc) creating considerable diversity of focus, themes emphasized, courses and methods of offerings. The rise of these programs, in part, reflects the growing need for managers and technologists who are able to understand, contribute to, and manage a wide variety of technology-based programs and organizations.
In addition, the large number of MOT research journals, professional associations and national/international conferences point to the rapid growth of this field.This paper
will examine the impact of information
technologies on the MOT; by focussing on
recent trends in provision, major MOT curriculum focus, and then compare these trends with the emerging trends in the
MOT research journals of the last decade.
Total 74 universities worldwide have been selected for the research.Some recommendations and observations about the future direction of the field will also be made.