Summary: | Knowledge Management study on the Status of
Mango Industry in the Province of Guimaras was
conducted to(1)evaluate the economic status of
the respondents, (2)analyze the cost and return of producing mango, (3) enumerate
the production and marketing practices used and (4)solve the problems met by mango producers.The results of this study will
guide the mango growers what knowledge management skills and inputs to be used
in producing high quality mango fruits with lower cost and highest average return. Based on the result of this study growers harvested their mangoes when it is already matured using sandok , marketed in wholesale basis in Guimaras and in the nearby island and as well as outside the country.Relatives and friends were the source of financial assistance while their source of information was self- experience and the technician of Department of Agriculture.Problems encountered were high cost of farm inputs and equipment, pest and diseases, fluctuation of prices, distance from the market, source financial of assistance as well as thieves.Income analysis
showed that growers who sprayed their own trees had higher income, compared to those mango sharecroppers, part owners and those who
depended on contract arrangement.Therefore out
of the different management techniques in mango production, growers can already select the best way producing quality mangoes profitably for commercial purposes.