Summary: | Construct validity advocated by L.J. Cronbach and P.E. Meehl (1995)fifty years ago is one of
the most important concept in several discipline such as psychology and has been the
focus of theoretical and empirical attention for over half a century (Smith,2005; Westen
and Rosenthal, 2003).Construct validity been
widely accepted, describing a process for theory validation that subsumes specific test
validation operations and important psychometric properties which necessary for
ensuring valid and unbiased assessments (Smith, 2005; Burnett,2012).O'Leary-Kelly and Vokurka (1998) noted that Schwab (1980) defined construct validity as representing
the correspondence between a construct and operational procedure to measure or manipulate
that construct.Objective of the analysis are to distinguish between the defining attributes
of a construct validity concept and its irrelevant structure; and to determine
internal structure of construct validity concept by breaking into simpler elements.
Wilson method of concept analysis used to analyse construct validity involved isolating
questions of construct validity concept,finding right answer, present model cases, contrary cases, related cases, borderline cases, invented cases, social context, underlying anxiety, practical result and results in language.Result showed that assessment of master of surgery program of
School of Medical Sciences at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) valid in construct validity provable by Shahid Hassan et. al.(2012) research, which all measure of clinical construct highly reliable with Cronbach alpha and the external aspects of construct validity evaluated against six aspects of Messick's criteria for quality control relates to inter-correlation of the scores obtained in different measurement tools of the same construct and other construct.Messick's concepts of construct validity included content, substance, structure, generalizability, consequences and externality which the content aspect of Messick's construct validity framework takes into account human capital assessment that is the competence assessment of knowledge and skills as well as attitude.