Summary: | This paper aims(1) to examine the extent of financial ratio information communicated in the annual reports of Malaysian listed companies;(2) to examine the significant predictors influencing the extent of financial ratio communicated in the annual reports of Malaysian listed companies.The sample of study is companies selected from Top 100 companies on Bursa Malaysia for year
2011.The annual reports were gathered and the data were hand collected.A regression model measured the Extent Financial Ratio Disclosure (EFRD)using 10 mostly referred and
cited financial ratios.Findings reveal that on average, the sample firms disclose 18.4% of
selected financial ratios in their annual reports.For the corporate governance score (CGS), almost half of the members of the board
of directors are independent.The average percentage of shareholding of 80.63% and implies that Malaysian shareholding is considered to be concentrated. 95% of the sample firms are profit-making firms and 94%
of them were audited by BIG4 audit firms.The Net Asset Per Share (NAPS) ratio is among the popular ratios presented in the annual reports, where 73% of the sample firms provided this ratio.Return on equity (ROE) indicates the profit a company generates with the money shareholders have invested show a 33% disclosure level.Corporate Governance(CG)
does have a positive relationship with EFRD. Higher numbers of independent directors increase the extent of the financial ratio disclosures.It explains that the role of independent directors as proposed in the MCCG
actually works and it helps to add value to the quality of financial reporting.