Summary: | The purpose of this paper is to highlight the innovation pattern and strategy in wood-based upstream production in view of its significance in the LMT (Low and Medium Technology) industries in a developing economy such as Malaysia.The design of this research is based on a single case study approach.Purposive sampling technique was used and data collection obtained through interview approach.Semi-structured interview was conducted with the general manager of one of the selected wood based manufacturing firm in the state of Selangor, Malaysia which fulfilled the basic criterion set chosen such as the experience involved in innovative activities in past three years.The major findings of the study implied that both product and process innovation are complementary to each other.Sequentially, product innovation takes place and followed by the process innovation.In addition, it has been observed that both competition and
market demand induces innovation activities in the wood-based innovation in the manufacturing firm.It is also detected that virtually customers have actively involved in the firm’s innovation process.Alternatively, trade shows, exhibition, online furniture deco webpage, and Wood Furniture Association are traced as the important external sources which have contributed to the information in
the firm’s innovation process.Information gathered from the external sources subsequently transformed into internal innovation through trial and error process by internal employees of the firm.