Summary: | Syariah Studies is based on two main sources which cannot be separated between one another.First is t he devine revelations from Allah in which its truth is absolute and is characterised as muqaddas, such as those
contained in the al-Quran and al-Sunnah. However, to function as a regulation with restrictions and suitable for practice in human living is, by natural tendency, subject to changes.Devine revelations require human understanding in visualizing its interpretations.Hence, the second important source as an efficient catalizing mechanism for Syariah studies is the understanding of fuqaha in the related verses.The uniqueness between devine revelations and mind and human understanding can ensure that the Syariah
studies is always ideal and competitive for further enhancement.In this relation, fuqaha and reseachers in the field of Syariah studies made ijtihad and performed research efforts in a wider scope.They made ijtihad for understanding the verses of al-Quran and al-Sunnah.Usul-fiqh is used frugally and effectively in its effort to develop a common methodology to be realized for more specific
law issues or otherwise.