Summary: | This research discusses the styles in handling grievances among heads of department at a Malaysian Telecommunication Company headquarters and branches located in Peninsular Malaysia and procedural justice factor that influenced them in selecting appropriate styles.It was conducted to achieve two main objectives: (a) to investigate the styles managers use in handling employee grievances, and (b) to examine the relationship between procedural justice and the style used by the managers in handling grievances.The total of sample is determined by stratified proportionate sampling framework.This study has employed Rahim’s Organizational Conflict Inventory – II (Rahim & Magner, 1995) to identify styles in handling grievances. By combining dual dimensions i.e. concern of self and concern of others, this instrument has introduced five styles in handling interpersonal conflict namely avoiding, dominating, obliging, compromising and integrating. The result of factor analysis reveals that the styles used by managers in this study are integrating, compromising and dominating. This study has divided procedural justice into 2 dimensions namely decision and process control.In general, decision control contributes correlated significantly with all grievance handling styles and process control related significantly with integrating and compromising styles.