Summary: | Electronic Book or e-Book has become a new medium in education.An important consideration of e-Book in the education system is the quality of software product that is shipped with it.The e-Book program in Malaysia began in 2009 with the free distribution of e-Book to primary school children.The e-Book is a version of the Intel Classmate PC and shipped with five specific applications: Digital Textbook, MyKamus, Fasohah Jawi, Fardhu Ain, and Digital Quran. This paper presents the design and development of a computer support system for evaluating software quality in e-Book based on the ISO9126 model.There are four quality characteristics evaluated: Functionality,
Reliability, Usability and Efficiency using four rating levels: Excellent, Good, Fair and
Poor.Results, in the form of total response for each metric is displayed statistically,
including the number of respondents and school.The overall percentage for a particular
software product is also displayed, revealing the general perception of users for the