Summary: | Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to discuss the flaw in implementing performance appraisal that raises a number of psycological problems as a result of injustice and political influence during its implementation.To overcome these problems, a new method known as the 360 Degree Feedback was introduced.However, it was found that the implementation of this method still has many weaknesses caused by human errors.In conjunction with the problem, this research seeks to explore the 360 Degree Feedback approach from the Islamic perspective as a substitute for the conventional method.This
paper will discuss the justification of using the Islamic approach, the subjects involved in the implementation, and the necessary features of the 360 Degree Feedback from the Islamic perspective.Design/Methodolog/Approach
– The study was a library-based research.
Therefore, the data collected depended on an extensive review of the literature.The contents of the identified journals, articles and books were rigorously and carefully analysed to enable the conclusion to be made.
Originality/Value –The result of this research can be used as a platform for future researchers to explore it through empirical support.Hopefully, the performance appraisal 360 Degrees Feedback through the Islamic perspective can be a substitude to the traditional approach.