Summary: | This paper presents a conceptual design approach to the development of a hybrid Knowledge Based (KB) system for Green Manufacturing Management (GMM) at the planning and design stages.The research concentrates on the GMM by using a hybrid KB system, which is a blend of KB system and Gauging Absences of Pre-requisites (GAP).The hybrid KB/GAP system identifies all potentials elements of green manufacturing management issues throughout the development of this system.The KB system used in the planning and design stages analyses the gap between the existing and the benchmark organizations for an effective implementation through the GAP analysis technique.The proposed KBGMM model at the design stage explores two components, namely Competitive Priority and Lean Environment modules. Through the simulated results, the KBGMM System has identified, for each modules and sub-module, the problem categories in a prioritized manner.The System finalized all the Bad Points (BP) that need to be improved to achieve benchmark implementation of GMM at the design stage.The System provides valuable decision making information for the planning and design a GMM in term of business organization