Summary: | This study investigates the consumers’ intention to use e-Money as micro payment transaction.E-money is a stored value or prepaid products that had recorded the funds or value and it can be done in online and offline transaction.Behavioral intention is a process in any type of actual behavior with giving the expression in making decision to the adoption of behavioral intention. This study integrates The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT).The conceptual framework of e-money transactions were reviewed to understand behavioral intention of consumers by using four dimensions of that theory; performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social
influence and facilitating condition.Furthermore, a perceived risk is considered to affect the consumers’ intention to use.Quantitative method will be utilized as sources of data collection.A total of one thousand and five hundred respondents will be selected using purposive sampling method in Jakarta, Indonesia.Descriptive analysis and Multiple Regression analysis will be conducted to analyze the data.The article ended with suggestion for future studies.