Summary: | Our nation’s life is severely unstable.This can be seen from various issues occur, which causes crisis of trust. Rationally, every citizen’s thought has been led to accept and absorb problems of life that gradually teaches to have negative
thinking. In all aspects of life, including economy, social, culture, politic, security
defense, and law, universally legitimates the irrational thought.From the reality, several communities and organizations have been built in order to escape from the vicious sorrow. The question is whether those communities of people can give an enlightment and change towards our society’s paradigm and behavior from now on? Is it a proper step to start over? Thus, the study aimed to observe one of the community in Jakarta, Kenduri Cinta. During the implementation, the
show is held on Friday night every two weeks in each month at Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM).It is a meeting forum in a simple stage setting, discussing (sharing) various inspiring topics (love concept) and performing art, such as
poem, rhymes, short stories, songs, rebana or hadrah, and community gather.The forum is expected to bring some change and acceptable values for the
audience during the show.