Summary: | In tapping the thriving mobile business, a study on mobile content development, specifically local ones is urgently required. Highly wanted local contents development is indeed for education, entertainment and games. Thus, we develop a mobile game-based learning (mGBL) about local content, called MaCMoG. It was technically tested for its functionality, compliance, compatibility and soaking. Furthermore, to assess the insights of potential players, informal interviews and observations were conducted. In addition to that, the local game characters and the game plan developed for the mGame were tested for their appealing merit. Overall, responses were remarkably consistent. Participants overwhelmingly considered MaCMoG as interesting and really attractive, successful in delivering the intended learning content, easy to play and simple to use. Findings also stressed two important points (1) local, appealing and well-developed characters are important elements to ensure better learning experience and (2) local uniqueness must always be incorporated to ensure better learning motivation and increase mGBL acceptance.