Summary: | Food and drink are probably one of the most obvious fields of consumption which producing and reproducing distinction.In the Indonesian context, especially in Yogyakarta Special Province and its surroundings, this argument may be explained by the phenomena of angkringan and café.This paper is going to discuss these phenomena with the perspective of habitus, practice and distinction as proposed by Bourdieu.I would propose that
angkringan is a cultural sphere that represents the lower-class habitus, a place for lower-class practices.Meanwhile, the café is a cultural sphere that represents the upper-middle-class habitus, a place of distinction practices of upper middle-class. This distinction practice is performed in the notion of 'mimicry'. In other words, to establish the distinctions to the lower class, the upper-middle class mimics some aspects of Western culture.By trying to be 'Western', they distinguished themselves from the lower classes.