Резюме: | Findings from studies by TIMSS (201 I), and PISA (2012) had revealed that the thinking skills of
Malaysian students are at a very low level.In lie with Vision 2020 and Malaysian Education Blueprint (2013-2025) we need to create a generation equipped with thinking skills and problem solving skills.The objective of this research is to identify the ability of thinking skills and problem solving skills in Malay Language among primary school pupils in Peninsula Malaysia.This study employed a survey method whereby pupils are given a test to measure their thinking
skills and problem solving skills.This test is developed by the researcher and based on de Bono's CoRT thinking tools. Pupils were asked to utilize their creativity to the maximum level while responding to questions related to thinking skills and problem solving skills.Pupils thinking skills are measured based on originality,appropriateness, and fluency.Their problem solving skills are measured based on appropriateness and novelty.The findings indicate that the thinking skills and problem solving skills of rural pupils are significantly higher than the urban pupils. Besides that, the thinking skills and problem solving skills of female pupils are significantly higher compared to their male counter parts.This study concludes that de Bono's thinking tools can be used as an alternative to enhance pupils' thinking skills and problem solving skills.