Summary: | Arikamedu and Rome–Ancient Trade contact The place which is 5 kmsaway from Puduchery is known as,” Arikamedu”.It is located on the banks of the river Ariyankuppam near Kakaiyanthoppu, enroute Ariyankuppam and Virampattinam, which is 20 feet in height in the form of a mound.Today this placeexists as clam and humble garden area.The very same place was once flourished as a multi – national port city.During ancient period, this
place was inhabited by the people who were hailed from different countries and they spoke many
different languages.On the basis of trade and commerce they mingled with one another.In the beginning years of the 18th century very few Christian Fathers lived in Puducherry.They
instituted missionaries at Arikamedu and did their religious services. They never knew about the ancient podukal’s history or specialty. Later, in 1769 A D, Le Gentil, a French astronomical expert came to Puducherry for his research.He personally visited the Veerampattinam and Arikamedu areas. In his travel accounts he mentions about an Arukansilai(Buddha Statue) which was discovered by him. By this finding the place of Arikamedu won 1st and became noticeable by the historians(researchers).Later in the early years of the 20th century 1937 AD, JoyveaeDubraille, a physics professor, Puduvai-French college visited Arikamedu many times to see the ruins of the Christian Misisionary.On one such visit, he recovered a ring which has the sculpted figure of a Roman emperor, AgustasCeaser from Arikamedu. This discovery ignited him to understand the past glory of Arikamedu and he felt elated. This finding confirmed that before 2000years, Arikamedu existed as a place of seat for the Romans.This interpretation helped to confirm the Roman’s contact in India in an exclamatory way.After the demise of Bharathiyar, 16 years later, Prof. JouveaeeDubreui’s intensive research discovered that an ancient place existed at Arikamedu on the banks of the river Ariyankuppam near the village Veerampattinam.He first discovered that the place had a close marine trade link with Rome. Due
to his continious effort, the excavations were carried out in different parts of the region.At the end of 1947-48, in the 3rd excavation Mr. J. M Casal and his wife Genevieve Casalwith much dedicate inlead to the publication of a report. Similar attempts and participation in the research recalls the work of Mr. Bashere, Mr. V. Gouloubew, Mr. HonriMarhal, ASI director Mr. Rao Bagadur Deekshit, Hyderabad state Archeaology, Department director Mr. Quavajer Muhamad Ahamad.