Summary: | Fuzzy Expert is designed to mimic the human decision process of the modular system, maintains the value of based rules and using fuzzy logic to describe uncertainty systems, and utilizes the predominance of using expert systems to denote and control knowledge. This paper presents the use of Fuzzy Expert Advisory for e-Counselling. The advisory model in counseling using a modular system for the psychology testing process for Behavioural Academic Self-Esteem (BASE) is used to test the prototype developed in this study. The system comprises of five modules, namely Student Initiative of BASE Factor 1,
Social Attention of Base Factor 2, Success/ Failure of BASE Factor 3, Social Attraction of BASE Factor 4, and Self-Confidence of BASE Factor 5. BASE test consists of sixteen items, categorized into five main BASE factors. The input to the system was first fuzzified and Fuzzy Associative Memory (FAM) table were constructed to handle the fuzzy rules of the five factors of BASE case study. The defuzzification technique known as Centre of Area (COA) is used to estimate the BASE factor and determine the levels of academic self-esteem such as low self-esteem, moderate self-esteem,and high self-esteem. In addition, fuzzy expert
provides explanation and also explain how a diagnosis is reached for a particular case. Overall performance of this system was successfully tested and produced the results that were equal to an expert’s judgment. The system has been verified by the counselors and, in addition the results also conform to the BASE factor rating scale and sub-scores.