Summary: | E-Government is to be ensured for good governance. There is a limited work in Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC) to identify the need for e-Government knowledge and skill as well as attitude at the level of Joint Secretary. Therefore, the outcome of the research would contribute to identify the e-Government training need areas in terms of knowledge, skill and attitude of senior civil servant of Bangladesh, for which Senior Staff Course (SSC) curriculum may be redesigned.The objective of this study was to identify and assess the training needs of the participants of SSC to modify the Information
and Computer Technology (ICT) curriculum of SSC; specifically to identify the relevant area of knowledge and skill of the SSC participant towards ensuring e-Government; to determine and identify the training need/module for SSC to manage e-Government and to suggest for policy guideline. As a research instrument this study is used structured questionnaire. This study extracted the core areas of training need related to e- government knowledge and skill and attitude. Thus, Principal Component Analysis has done with those core areas of skill and knowledge. Descriptive statistical results revealed that all those
areas have high and significant relationship among the major variables and achieved high score of mean value. Descriptive statistics reveals that among the four major variables those are: ‘ICT Skill’; ‘E-government Management’;‘E-government Skill’; and ‘Attitude’ have relationship and those are important for Senior Level Civil Servant. But the mean score of those variables are not high
as it is required. Therefore, these are the potential areas for the Joint Secretary
Level official to formulate E-Government training module.