Summary: | IM-SmartSAFETY is an application developed as a medium for delivering contents to foreign workers in response to language problem in Health and Safety Induction Course (HSIC).It is a compulsory initial course for all workers including local and foreign workers and professionals before entering into construction sites.In ensuring IM-SmartSAFETY meets the objective of the course, learning theories, particularly constructivism, social, and minimalism, have been applied along the development process.In accordance, this paper discusses the importance of applying learning theories in the IM-SmartSAFETY.Constructivism theory is important in IM-SmartSAFETY because it supports the creation of new knowledge through creative and critical thinking based on the existing knowledge while solving problems in existing cases.Meanwhile through social theory, emphasis on cognitive is deeper than on physical behavior in which visual representation of positive and negative behavior could be imitated. It also promotes social interaction among the
peers and between the trainees and the trainers through activities provided in the
application. Further, minimalism theory is important because it ensures the application is
appealing in terms arrangement of text, information, graphic, color, and audio so that
they never confuse the foreign workers, but make them understand.