Summary: | This paper discusses the risks of developing computerised business applications by end-users particularly in the small business environment. As today’s end-users are becoming more and more sophisticated, coupled with the proliferation of Information Technology (IT) that has brought the computerisation of business activities within reach of many small firms, understanding the benefits and risks of user-developed applications would contribute towards the small firm’s effectiveness in IT adoption. This is particularly relevant in today’s managing business where businesses, including the small firms, in a volatile environment will have to compete not only locally but also globally,and IT is seen to be an enabler that can help small firms to increase their competitiveness. Relevant literature on the benefits and risks of user-developed
applications were sought and summarised in this paper. Findings were also based on a case study investigation of small firms with no formal IT function where observations were made on the end-user developers who were given the
responsibility to develop the firm’s computerised applications. Whilst the benefits have been enormously highlighted and at times overshadowed the risks, due attention is given to examining the risks so as to provide a more balanced report and a precautionary measure for end-user developers. Risks were categorised according to organisational and individual risks following the application development stages of planning, analysis, design and implementation.