Izvleček: | Shari'ah law is a revealed law and the ruler is entrusted to implement the siyasah shariyyah in
administering the state according to what is ordained by Allah s.w.t. ?%is paper focuses on the
application of siyasah sharijyah in the administration of the State, focusing on the classical worh of al-Qarlii in his famous textbook "Tamyiz" and al-Subki in his famous work "Fattawa
al-Subki in classical Islam ". The paper first outlines the concept of siyasah shariyyah >om the
shari 'ah perspective. The next part of the paper examines the roles of the ruler in exercising the
siyiisah shariyyah. The part discusses the parameters of the application of siyasah shariyyah in the administration of the State.The methodology adopted in the research is purely qualitative, engaging in doctrinal archival research of classical literatures and cases on the application of siyasah shariyyah in the administration of the state.Since there is scarcity of resources on the subject matter, this study is deemed to be significant in filling in the gaps of the application of siyasah shariyyah in the administration of the State.Siyasah shariyyah, Discretionary action, Classical Islam, Administration of the State