Summary: | Hajj consists of several rituals, which require the pilgrims to recite specific dua and zikr for each of them. Since there are so many dua and zikr involved, pilgrims who are not well versed in Arabic have difficulties to memorize them.This paper discusses the incorporation of voice recognition in an application that helps pilgrims to recite dua and zikr while performing all Hajj rituals, called Mobile Doa and Zikir for Hajj
(MDZ4H). Android platform has been chosen due to the dramatic increased in the Android mobile phone users worldwide. MDZ4H displays the Arabic text, the translation in Malay and also the Arabic audio files of the dua and zikr, which has been gathered, compiled, and verified before the application could be developed using J2ME. After that it has been evaluated by experts.The findings show some of the limitations of incorporation the Google speech to text function and suggest the solutions and the future work.It is hoped that the developed application could be made available in order to help Hajj pilgrims to easily and conveniently recite the dua and zikr towards achieving Hajj Mabrur.