Summary: | Background: Teenagers involvement in misdemeanor, delinquents and crimes is a display of the decrease in moral values among teenagers which could cause a negative impact towards the development of human capital in the process of upholding peace and harmony of the nation. The factors influencing teenagers to be involved in
misdemeanor and crimes, among others are peer influence, lack of control by parents and lack in religious knowledge and practices. To curb these alarming problems, the practice of social hisbah internalization is the alternative way to ensure that a comprehensive moral control is enforced by involving all parties such as parents, teachers, peers and community members.Objective: This study intends to identify the practice of social hisbah internalization by social agents in the community in order to control teenagers from getting involve in social ills. Results: The exploration of social hisbah internalization is done through an exploratory study, which includes factors such
as influences of parents, teachers, peers, school environment and community members, on 1785 teenagers. The data is analysed descriptively to identify the practice of social hisbah internalization.The analysis showed the mean score of social hisbah internalization is highly among teachers, parents and school environment. Meanwhile, averagely high mean score is among community members and peers. Conclusion: The
findings showed that social agents in a community play an important role in inculcating positive values and increasing human ability to achieve unity and social stability, national security and harmony of the Malaysian community, in line with the Nation’s Social Policy that is every one has the opportunity to develop his/her own potentials, optimumly, around a healthy social environment which includes unity, perseverance, democracy, moral, tolerance, progression, affection, equality and propriety.