Summary: | The mushrooming of cyber cafe has offered different level of community with easy access to the use of computer and internet at anytime and everywhere. Cyber cafe services may improve IT awareness and literacy among the society which ultimately supports the Government's agenda towards creating knowledge worker and knowledge society by 2020. Despite the advantages that cyber cafe could offer, there are also socially disrepute behavior in the use of cyber cafe especially to youngsters. Hanging out at cyber cafe during school hours, gambling through Internet, and accessing pornographic images are among the examples of unhealthy issues and activities at cyber cafe. No doubt
students who miss school would find another place to hang out, but cyber cafe operators need to have social obligation to limit the number of places to carry out unhealthy activities. If not stopped, these issues and activities might contribute to other social
problems in the future. In order to effectively monitor and control the usage, the factors that contribute to the misuse must be identified and well understood. Hence, in this article the opinions of active users of cyber cafe regarding the unethical activities at cyber cafe in Malaysia are presented.