Summary: | Life cycle analysis is a tool to assess and compare about the process of rice husk to generate
electric that will be impact to the environmental from the beginning until the end of the
process which is from the paddy production, the paddy transportation to the rice mill and the
process for electricity generation from rice husk to generate to the customers utilization. Rice
husk is choose because it also known as one of the main source of Biomass energy in Malaysia beside the scope of the project is at the northern Malaysia (Northern of Perak, Penang, Kedah and Perlis) which the region is most produce rice husk rather than other region/state because of the region have large paddy field and known as rice bowl.But, because of the limitation of time to finish this report so, the scope will be more focus at Ban Heng Bee Rice Mill where located at Pendang, Kedah.Since currently Malaysia widely
generate electricity from fossil fuel and that very harmful to the environmental because of the
harmful gases emission to the air and it caused pollution and greenhouse effect.So, this report
will assist the government to use rice husk (biomass energy) to our electricity generation to
replace or reduce the using of fossil fuel which is combustion of rice husk in electricity
generation is more safety to environment.