Summary: | Green building is a building which has an eco friendly environment and improves the safety
and health of the people.It is also a building operating on green efficiency approaches which
could have lower operations and maintenance costs. The development of green building in Malaysia is suitable because there are technologies which have been developed and they are compatible with the extreme weathers in Malaysia.Since there are previous studies done related to the energy efficiency and effectiveness of green building, this research aims to highlight the factors that make a building to be claimed as a green building and its effectiveness towards the users of the building as well as identifying the main factors which contributing the development of green building and how can green building helps in
protecting the environment and the health of the people in the building. This study focuses on
green buildings in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). The data was collected by a qualitative
method by conducting an interview with senior assistant architect at Jabatan Pembangunan &
Penyelenggaraan (JPP) UUM and field observation. The findings have shown that the development of green building in UUM starts with the implementation of the National Green Technology Policy (NGTP) in 2009 and Vice Chancellor inspiration to answer the government call towards implementing green practices.The reason why the building is effective and efficient are because of the conservation of energy cost effective and the design of the building. Green building can affect the productivity, performance and health of the
occupants. Since this is a preliminary study, more researches need to be done to generalise the findings about other green buildings existed in Malaysia especially for any institutional or
commercial buildings.