Summary: | There is a growing interest and concern towards the concept of sustainable transport due to the high growth of energy consumption's and greenhouse gas effects from transport sector.Bike sharing system appears to be cost effective and a sustainable way to travel for a shorter distance.University is an ideal place to implement this system.However, previous researches reported that most of universities students commonly rely on motorized vehicle to commute.This study aimed to determine students’ intention to use bike sharing system in campus.Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as the underpinning theory. Attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control are the predictor variables involved in the study and students’ intention is the criterion variable.The data were collected from 375 full time undergraduate students of University Utara Malaysia (UUM) through self-administered questionnaire.Proportionate stratified sampling method used in the study where population divided into 3 strata according to gender, race and college.The findings will look into the correlation of all the variables involved in the study. This study will be beneficial to UUM by offering valuable information regarding students’ intention to use bike sharing system in
campus.This study will also help to better understand the students’ intention towards
embracing sustainable transport and validating their awareness on importance of sustainable
transportation.This will thus encourage and enhance the development of ethical behavior
among them toward appreciating, preserving and protecting the environment.