Summary: | This study is aimed to identify the effectiveness of teacher leadership and student’s commitment of involvement in extra-curricular activities towards the development of students’ soft skills in secondary schools in two states of peninsular Malaysia.This is a quantitative cross-sectional survey.The population of this study is secondary school students in Malaysia.Stratified random
sampling was used to select 500 students from population. The instruments used in this research were Organizational Commitment Qustionaire (OCQ) Mowday, Steers & Porter (1979), Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) (Kouzes & Posner, 1995), and Soft Skils (MOE, 2013).The findings indicate the level of teacher leadership, commitment, involvement in extra-curricular activities in
schools and the development of the soft skills among secondary school students in Malaysia is at high levels.This shows teacher leadership practices play key role towards commitment and involvement of students in extra-curricular activities.Therefore it helps develop soft skills of a student who will spearhead the country's leadership in future.Shortly, stakeholders should pay serious attention to improve the practice of teacher leadership.This will ensure extra-curricular improve human skills of the students in Malaysia.