Summary: | Only recently, developed countries such as the US, UK and some wealthy European Union countries have been chanting out social innovation as their new innovation outcome strategy.This is due to the fact that, the contribution of social innovation is said to be much greater and portrayed significant benefits as compared to technological innovation per se.Social innovation gives concurrent benefits towards social, economic and technological aspects, whereas technological innovation limitedly contribute to merely fulfilling private needs.Various developed countries staggered on social innovation as their new innovation outcome strategy through knowledge transfer partnership between private, academic and community institution, whereby new superior knowledge resource is created through the processes of creation, transfer and application of knowledge within the partnership ecosystem.This new superior knowledge is then embedded into products, processes and services which in turn produced highly innovative products, processes and services that contribute towards social, economic and technological payoffs.In tandem with the above thought, this paper promotes the concept of social innovation within the context of Malaysian Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) projects by addressing it through qualitative approach of inquiry.This paper provides an insight and suggests that so far, social innovation is quite a new theme for various actors involves in Malaysian KTP projects and technological innovation is still very much focused on the KTP projects outcome. Hence, a better understanding on social innovation as a new innovation outcome strategy must be internalized by all actors involved in the Malaysian KTP projects.It is evidence that, various actors within the Malaysian KTP projects have diverse objectives, interest and priorities towards their involvement in the Malaysian KTP projects.The presence of high bureaucracy practices, business disclosures issues, innovation requirements issues, understanding and commitment issues and financial constraints are the main challenges faced by various actors involves in the Malaysian KTP projects.Thus, having recognized all the said elements above and prioritizing further with careful coordination and organization, it is hope that the Malaysian KTP projects could be successfully enshrines social innovation as a new innovation outcome strategy that perhaps may give a massive contribution towards facilitating the aspiration of Eleventh Malaysia Plan (RMK-11; 2016-2020) with the theme " anchoring growth on people " in lights of fulfilling Malaysia to achieve a high income country status