Summary: | School-Based Assessment (SBA) was implemented in Malaysian primary schools in 2011 and secondary schools in 2012. Since its implementation, teachers have faced several challenges to meet the aims and objectives of the SBA.Based on these challenges, this study intends to identify the differences in assessment knowledge, school support, teacher readiness, teacher skills and challenges faced by teachers based on gender in the implementation of SBA.In addition, this study identifies the relationship between knowledge, school support, teacher readiness, teacher skills and challenges that teachers face in the implementation of SBA.The research participants were 243 teachers who were teaching Grade 8 students comprising 60 (24.69%) male teachers and 183 (75.31%) female teachers.The questionnaire was
designed by the researcher to determine school support (12 items), teacher readiness (20 items), teacher knowledge (16 items), teacher skills (12 items), and challenges faced by teachers (29 items) regarding the implementation of SBA. The findings show that male teachers are more ready to implement SBA when compared to female teachers. Male teachers also believe that school support is more important when compared to female teachers. In terms of knowledge, skills and challenges towards SBA, there are no significant gender differences. Similarly, the main subjects do not show significant gender differences in the implementation of SBA.The five factors include knowledge, school support, teacher readiness,
teacher skills, and challenges faced show significant relationships except school support and challenges faced in SBA.All stakeholders especially teachers are responsible and play a critical role in the implementation of SBA to ensure the quality and standard of assessment.