Summary: | This qualitative study explored the implementation of Lesson Study, a kind of teacher-directed approach of Japanese model of teacher pedagogical development in the Malaysian education context. It seeks to answer a research questions: what are the school-based factors that support or hinder the implementation of lesson study in the Malaysian
education context? Multiple data sources were gathered through in-depth interviews, observations, group discussions and reflections as well as participants‟ journal writing. Data sources were gathered through in-depth interviews and observation.Analysis of the qualitative data indicated that the lesson study has provided an encouraging opportunity and venue for the respondent to collaborate, discuss and share their teaching experiences in managing their lesson.As lesson study was a relatively new culture of teacher learning, various constraints and challenges were encountered in implementing the lesson study. On a micro level, there were three constraints, namely time, teachers‟ workload and the perception of teaching observation.On a macro-level, this study implied two main challenges: (i) the lack of teachers‟ awareness of professional development, and (ii) the examination-oriented culture rooted in the education system.However, when provided with sufficient supporting factors such as positive support from the school administrators, committed and dedicated group leader and strong collegiality among the lesson study team, then lesson study could be successfully implemented as an effective and innovative mode of teacher professional learning.