Summary: | A main critical factor on embedding process in any text steganography method is a key used known as stego key.This factor will be influenced the success of the embedding process of text steganography method to hide a message from third party or any adversary.One of the important aspects on embedding process in text steganography method is the fitness performance of the stego key.Three parameters of the fitness performance of the stego key have been identified such as capacity ratio, embedded fitness ratio and saving space ratio. It is because a better as capacity ratio, embedded fitness ratio and saving space ratio offers of any stego key; a more message can be hidden. Therefore, main objective of this
paper is to analyze three features coding based namely CALP, VERT and QUAD of stego keys in text steganography on their capacity ratio,
embedded fitness ratio and saving space ratio. It is found that CALP method give a good effort performance compared to VERT and QUAD methods.