Summary: | The development of entrepreneurship among the students in Malaysia currently gets full support from the government.Through Non-Government Organization (NGO) especially the Gabungan Pelajar Semenanjung Melayu (GPMS), mostly the Malay students were targeted in rural area and supported in the form of Student Entrepreneurship Program (PMW) which is implemented throughout schools with the aim to facilitate students who are interested in entrepreneurial leadership.Through Student Entrepreneurship Program, GPMS especially in
Kedah state involved and supplies training for students who are competent in making business plans, by giving them ideas and opportunities to carry out entrepreneurial trainings.This support is expected not only to promote entrepreneurial spirit among students but also to make the community aware of the importance of entrepreneurship.This study aims to find out the relationship between achievement motivation and attitude, attitude and entrepreneurial characteristics, and achievement motivation and entrepreneurial characteristics of the
students.The method used in this research based on qualitative analysis especially the in-dept interviews with the respective respond.The samples taken in this study are in 8 schools in Padang Terap District of Kedah state. The results obtained from this study show that there are significant achievement motivation and entrepreneurial characteristics, and achievement motivation and entrepreneurial characteristics of the students.