الملخص: | The present study is an outcome of a concern for the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL) in Libyan schools.Learning of a foreign language is invariably linked to learners building a good repertoire of vocabulary of the target language, which takes us to the theory and practice of imparting training in vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs) to learners. The researcher observed that there exists a divergence in theoretical knowledge of VLSs and practically training learners in using the strategies in EFL classes in Libyan schools.To empirically examine the situation, a survey was conducted with secondary school English teachers.The study discusses the results of the survey.The results show that teachers of English in secondary school in Libya are either not aware of various vocabulary learning strategies, or if they are, they do not impart training in all VLSs as they do not realize that to achieve good results in language learning, a judicious use of all VLSs is required. Though the study was conducted on a small scale, the results are highly encouraging.