总结: | Technology has brought with it a lot of advantages and disadvantages, one of those advantages is the simplification of task that where somewhat difficult in the past.The case of online shopping is one of them, and as a result of the growing demand and need for satisfaction in the part of buyers, the sellers are faced with a lot of competition in other to be able to provide the best service and thus attract customers; the E-retailers are increasingly faced with the task of providing a quality service. This is a paper written with the aim of investigating the impact that E-Service quality has on attitude toward
online shopping; i.e. how E-Service quality influences the acceptance or otherwise of
online shopping.The paper made use of quantitative survey, a total of 300 questionnaires were distributed to randomly selected UUM (Universiti Utara Malaysia) students.The findings revealed a moderate E-service quality perception among the
students, hence neutral acceptance of the online shopping.